Extending CreateJS Classes


CreateJS is a powerful library which tries to mimetic the behavior of flash/actionscript3 class hierarchy. It does a really good job, but some of the classes are left away. Maybe because they were too much flash dependent or maybe they were not used so much. There is one class I found quite useful which is not there anymore: SimpleButton. So I started to take a look to see how inheritance works in createjs and to be able to extend createjs classes.

If you took a look on the previous post, to see how to create classes in CreateJS style, you are already know almost everything. However, a few things can be done differently, because createjs proposes a slightly different mechanism to call functions defined in the superclass and provides some utility functions to be used in the process.

When we override a method defined in the parent class we need to invoke it before invoking the new version. For example let’s say we have a class PineTree and a method draw, which draws the tree. Then we extend the class creating a new class ChristmasTree. This new class override the draw method, to draw the decorations, but before drawing the decorations it needs to invoke draw method of the parent.

The solution createjs adopted was to provide a function which adds the superclass prototyp methods, under a changed name, in the subclass. If we would have PineTree and ChristmasTree classes, the draw method of the ChristmasTree would look like that:

// ChristmasTree class
p.draw = function(ctx) {
    // invoke the draw method of the super class:

    // Here goes the code for drawing decorations
    // ...

In our previous post we extended the code by simply copying the prototype of the super class:

var p = TheClass.prototype = new parentnamespace.ParentClass();

CreateJS provides a method to do that for us. The method is called extend; if you want to take a look at the source code you will see it’s not fancy at all and it does pretty much the same thing.  When we create a new class instead of directly copying the prototype its better to use the extend method createjs provides:

var p = createjs.extend(SubClass, SuperClass);

Then we can add out methods on the prototype( for example the draw method of the ChristmasTree ). However, at this stage our class does not have a mechanism to invoke overridden methods of the super class, like the draw method of the PineTree.

At this stage we need to use the promote function. You can take a look at the sourcecode to see it clones the method of the super class in the sub class with prefixed names. The method draw(ctx) of the PineTree will be available as Pine_draw(ctx) in the Christmas tree.

// ChristmasTree class
p.draw = function(ctx) {
    // invoke the draw method of the super class:

    // Here goes the code for drawing decorations
    // ...

    // more code

// after all methods are defined invoke the promote method
// (yes first parameter is an object, second is a string)
createjs.promote(ChristmasTree, "PineTree");


Here is the code to extend the createjs.Container and to create a Button class. The example is from the official tutorial for createjs inheritance:

(function() {
function Button(label) {
    this.label = label;
var p = createjs.extend(Button, createjs.Container);
p.draw = function(ctx, ignoreCache) {
    this.Container_draw(ctx, ignoreCache);
    // add custom logic here.
window.Button = createjs.promote(Button, "Container");




Extending CreateJS Classes

An in-depth exploration of the process involved in extending classes in the CreateJS library using ECMA5, focusing particularly on leveraging inheritance and overriding methods. Despite the absence of some classes in the CreateJS library, learn how to create an effective workaround using the SimpleButton class as an example. The guide will also touch on the CreateJS unique approach to calling superclass functions and utilizing utility functions.

How To Create Classes in ECMA5 in CreateJS Style

Explore the fundamentals of creating classes in ECMA5 styled after CreateJS. Learn about the intricacies of ECMA5 prototype-based object-oriented language and the art of emulating class inheritance. Understand the role of namespaces, anonymous functions, and constructors, offering you an alternate way to define classes, which is particularly handy if you are still working with game frameworks that do not fully support ECMA6. A clear understanding of these concepts will significantly elevate your HTML5 game development process.

Extending CreateJS Classes

An in-depth exploration of the process involved in extending classes in the CreateJS library using ECMA5, focusing particularly on leveraging inheritance and overriding methods. Despite the absence of some classes in the CreateJS library, learn how to create an effective workaround using the SimpleButton class as an example. The guide will also touch on the CreateJS unique approach to calling superclass functions and utilizing utility functions.

Extending CreateJS Classes

An in-depth exploration of the process involved in extending classes in the CreateJS library using ECMA5, focusing particularly on leveraging inheritance and overriding methods. Despite the absence of some classes in the CreateJS library, learn how to create an effective workaround using the SimpleButton class as an example. The guide will also touch on the CreateJS unique approach to calling superclass functions and utilizing utility functions.